Hundon Allotment Field is a 6.75 acre field in the centre of Hundon. The land is owned by the Rogeron Trust but since summer 2021, the field has been managed by the Hundon Allotment Tenants’ Association – HATA.
The field is being actively managed for the benefit of the community and wildlife, as well as allotment holders. From a wildlife perspective, this means that some areas of the field are left to nature – for instance they will be mown occasionally or not at all. We have also established a Community Orchard and a Wildflower Meadow, with around 150 fruit trees, native trees and ornamental trees having been planted in the last couple of years.
All routine maintenance of the field is done by volunteers. Apart from the main path from Church Street down to Lower Road, which is a public footpath, the many paths around and through the field are cut by volunteers for the benefit of the community and are not rights of way.
We welcome dog walkers, but would very much appreciate it if dogs are kept on leads, kept off the allotments, and if owners could be scrupulous in picking up after their dogs.
There is a Hundon Allotment Group on Facebook if you would like to see the latest goings-on, and also a group called Hundon Nature – Sights and Sounds, which often documents wildlife seen on the allotment field, as well as elsewhere in the village.