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All Saints Church

Hundon, All Saints

This is a large, Perpendicular building, finished not long before the Reformation. No doubt it enjoyed all the ups and downs of the 17th Century religious wars, the long 18th Century sleep of the Church of England, and the vibrancy and energy of the 19th Century revival. But it is hard to tell now, because the church was completely destroyed by fire one night in February 1914, shortly before the outbreak of the Great War.

Latest News - Hundon
All Saints Church

Regular services are the second Sunday of the month at 9.00a.m., Holy Communion and the fourth Sunday of the month, Evensong at 4.00p.m. from October to Easter and at 6.00p.m. April to end of September.  Additional services during the year will be advertised on the village Facebook page and in the Hundon Herald and on the Church website on a ‘Church Near You’.


“Daffodil Tea” in the church on Saturday, 15th April between 3 and 5pm.


CORONATION BIG LUNCH. Children’s activities in the church from 10a.m.-12p.m.


“Hymns and Pimms”. 4.30 – 6pm on the 17th June we invite people to come along and “sponsor” a favourite hymn. David Hart will be on hand to play whatever is requested.


Flower Festival:  The weekend of 26th/27th August will see our Annual Flower Festival. Theme to be announced later.


A Wine Tasting to be conducted by George Unwin of Baythorne Hall. the focus will be on easy drinking wines at affordable prices. Date and details to follow. 


Our Annual Christmas Fair. Date to be announced.


Carol Service:  On the 10th December we will hold our Carol Service at 4pm followed by the usual mince pies and mulled wine!


Crib Service: Then on the 24th December there will be our Crib Service involving the usual hilarity, chaos and small children dashing around the church!