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Neighbourhood Watch

Farmerie Road Neighbourhood Watch

A number of complaints have been received over the past 12 months.

  1. Parking of vehicles on public footpaths
  2.  Parking or driving across grassed areas.
  3. Parking in front of residents’ driveways.
  4. Dog fouling
  5. No road salt bin for the top of farmerie road

Regarding salt bin for top of farmerie road, subject To p.C. Funds, I will try to arrange this for next Winter.

Dog fouling, what can we say, it’s still going on, you Know who you are, so bag it.

Parking of vehicles on public footpaths, this is an illegal practice. If you have a complaint You should ring 101 and speak to the police.

Parking and driving across grassed areas and parking in front of residents’ driveways,
These are all reportable activities I.E police or st.Eds council

The layby in farmerie road was originally designated as a visitors’ car park and for Commercial vehicle use. Unfortunately it is being used for permanent parking.

Subsequently when full, vehicles have no option but to park on grassed areas or the pavements.

For navigation please use the following links

The Police non emergency is 01284 774100, or you can e-mail us at

Please dial 999 if immediate response needed.

If you wish to report criminal activity in your area anonymously please ring the Crime stoppers number 0800 555111

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